We are now accepting only Abstract submissions. Full paper submission in closed. Accepted abstract-only contributions will be published in the Conference Programme and Abstracts Book.
Abstract title length must not exceed 200 characters (including spaces).*
The Body of abstract: the length must not exceed 3000 characters (including spaces) or 400 words, whichever is reached first.* Please do not include figures, tables, equations or references and refrain from using formatted text (bold, italic,…) in the abstract.
Keywords: while submitting, provide also 3 to 5 keywords (to be entered separately, not as a part of the abstract).
* Note that these are hard limits that the submission system will apply. This means that any text copy-pasted from another document will be automatically truncated to the maximum allowed length.
Please click the below link to submit.
Please read instructions below before use.
Full papers accepted for presentation at EMBEC 2024 will be published by Springer in the Conference Proceedings as a part of the IFMBE Proceedings Series, which is currently cited in bibliographic databases such as SCOPUS, SpringerLink, Google Scholar, EI Compendex, SCImago and Japanese Science and Technology Agency. To access previously published books of IFMBE Proceedings Series please see its official web site.
More detailed Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings and the templates for preparing the manuscript (for MS Word and LaTex can be found in separate files below these instructions.